Ever fancied speed-dating one of our Muc-Off athletes? Well this is probably as close as you’ll ever get to do this… Welcome to ‘Getting Muc-y with…’, our brand-new series where we dive into their world and ask them the all-important questions (all the while satisfying your short attention span).
First on the hit list is none other than Ben Deakin, aka The Deakinator, aka our longest-serving athlete ever (a mere 15 years or so). Get acquainted with one of the South Coast’s most notorious downhill racers turned YouTube sensation. #OiOi!
1. Could you describe yourself in three words for those who don’t know you (yet)?
Good Looking Mofo!
2. What’s your typical morning routine?
I'm quite lucky as there isn't one! Every day's different, ranging from being in front of a computer editing, planning my next trip or hitting the trails - I am very fortunate.
3. Favourite local trails? And why?
Weirdly I love a loop near where I live around the Purbeck hills. It's by far not the most technical trail out there but just an epic evening ride to do in the summer with plenty of hills to keep your fitness up, and plenty of pubs to keep you refreshed! If I want more of a buzz I'll head to Windhill Bikepark for bigger jumps and fun flowy trails.
4. Do you work out?
More so in the winter when we have our dark gloomy nights just to keep a basic fitness going, I used to train fairly often but if I don't have much time I'd rather be out on the bike than in the gym. It's great for getting your strength dialled which helps with the big hits and also preventing injury.
5. How does it feel when people recognise you abroad and chant #OiOi as you ride past?
Still pretty crazy to be on the other side of the world and hear someone shout #OiOi at me. It all started as a joke and got out of hand pretty quickly, but it's all fun!

6. Describe mountain biking in three words.
Awesome, Friendly, Adrenaline.
7. Spirit animal?
Tiger Grrr
8. Let’s talk Miami Vice, what inspired the bike and lid paint-job?
We actually played with a few ideas with the boys from stealth to Vegas style... We wanted to nod to the sunset evenings at a place close to where we live and just thought Miami Vice was quite fitting with the brand: loud, cool and most importantly, pink!

9. Aside from your (fancy-dress) acting obligations, what does your calendar look like this year? Any highlights you’re particularly looking forward to
So I'm playing catch up slightly after injuring myself in New Zealand during Crankworx but by the time this goes up I'll be looking forward to a French trip for fun, followed by the legendary Megavalanche. Later on in the year, I've got a few UK based races lined up then I'll be heading to Whistler for Crankworx. I'll then round the year up by heading to Redbull Rampage once again to help and dig for my good mate Brendan Fairclough.
10. Most important question so far… How often do you clean your bike(s)?
I honestly get told off by my bike sponsor DMR as I clean it way too much... I actually have mild OCD from the Marines I swear, I always think a clean bike is a happy bike!
11. Favourite Muc-Off products? Is there a difference in your summer vs winter line up?
The king of kings: Muc-Off Nano Tech Bike Cleaner is the ultimate essential for all my bikes looking prime, paired with the Soft Washing Brush! I then normally keep them looking fresh using Silicon Shine and one of the Microfibre Polishing Cloths. I then finish off with a Wet or Dry C3 Lube dependant on the weather.
A little top tip for downhill is to get yourself a little bottle of Visor, Lens & Goggle Cleaner to give your goggles a clean before going up for a race run.
12. Enduro VS Downhill bike? If you can’t tell us which one is your favourite, can you at least tell us what trail features tend to make you switch from one to the other?
I honestly love them equally as much and are both fit for purpose. My daily is my DMR Sled Enduro bike. There isn't anything too testing around me that trail bikes cannot handle these days. If I go to the bigger tracks to race or a European trip to the mountains then the big bike will be my preference as we catch the chair lift to the top again!
13. Who’s your current favourite rider (aside from Brendog)?
I'm sorry but I'm old skool, I always want Greg Minnaar to do well as he's seen it done it, and is a real nice down-to-earth guy. Loic Bruni is also a real ledge, has all the time in the world for a lot of people. I can't miss my Muc-Off team mates though, Kaos Seagrave is really getting his whips to the next level at the moment... So much so he's recently won Crankworx Whip Offs in Innsbruck. Super mad to watch... Tomas Lemoine is also killing it in the Slopestyle, along with another good mate Matt Jones (but he's too busy blogging these days which is probably why he seems to crash a lot in contests, ha!).
14. How much do you love the Muc-Off Pressure Washer? And why?
Absolutely epic bit of kit that makes your life a lot easier... and if I'm honest, I use it on my Classic Mini and van as well as my MTBs, so it's a win-win!

15. Last but not least, are you superstitious? Any lucky-charms when racing?
Not superstitious, the only two checks I always do before heading out of the start gate (as I've learnt from past mistakes) is double checking to make sure my goggles are clean and that I'm in the right gear so it doesn't jump with the first few pedal strokes.
16. Closing comments...?
I'd like to thank Muc-Off for all the support over the 15 years. I'm stoked to be carrying on flying the flag with my life-long sponsor, also to my family, friends and fans who all keep me excited to carry on doing what Im doing. #OiOi!
Find Ben on -
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/bendeakinmtb
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/deakinator1/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Deakinator1/